Thursday, October 25, 2012


It's so easy to not do your homework. You are swamped with homework, and have over 200 pages of reading. Doing all of this is hard sometimes, it would be so much easier to not do it. It happens to all of us. When a paper comes around you say "ill just do it tomorrow." Then tomorrow turns into the last day and now you are up till 4am trying to finish it. Why do we do this to ourselves? I used to do it all of the time, and I'm trying to make a change now. You put so much more work on yourself, and make the work so much harder than it really has to be. Why not start a little earlier in the week? Why not just start studying a week before instead of cramming. We are not productive when we do this. Just a few weeks ago I had a paper and I didnt start it until the night before it was due. I dont know why I did that to myself. I just kept saying I'll do it tomorrow until there wasnt another tomorrow. I was stuck and I had to stay up till 3:30am trying to write the paper, and then woke up the next day and had to finish it. It's stupid to do this. If you worked a little bit everyday there would be no issues. You can still do what you want to do, as well as get your work out the way. As my next couple of papers come up next month I am going to make sure I will start my paper at least a week early so when the last day to work on the paper comes around I can just focus on editing. Starting early also puts you in a position to see your TA, which will give advice to make your paper even better.

1 comment:

  1. The worst thing about procrastination is that while it provides some marginal satisfaction in the short-term, it doubles the amount of stress you need to deal with later down the road. I used to think about procrastination like it was just a fact of life- my thought process would go something like, "If the paper/project isn't due for another 10 days, then why the hell would I want to start working on it now?" I admit that I still find myself slipping into this mode of thought; however, I believe that by the time this course is over I will posses the faculties to stop my own vicious cycle of procrastination.
