Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm Tired

I'm tired. I'm tired of waking up and going to class. I'm tired of doing work and studying for test, and I'm tired of going to practice. Sometimes you're just like "I hate school." You go to school for four years, just to go Back to school since people are not getting jobs. Sometimes it's like why bother? I know people with law degrees that cannot find a job, what will be different for me? Unemployment is still high, and nobody is giving out jobs unless you have a Master's or more. Yeah getting a high degree would be amazing, but who has the money to go to grad school? The system is just messed up to me that's all. I would never drop out, that would be foolish, but it is nice to envision a world without going to classes though. To just be able to do what you want, and when you want, but then you definitely would never get a job. I know many people have felt the same way I have, but the key is to persevere. Just keep going. You will be so much better off in the long run. I know people that actually dropped out of college and their lives are not ideal whatsoever. I especially feel bad for their parents who took all their time and effort to send their children to great high schools and great colleges just for them to drop out. Unless you are going to be drafted into the NBA and guaranteed 50 million, there is no excuse. You diminish your chances of success exponentially all because you didn't feel like doing your homework? Homework isn't that bad if it's going to get me a great job later in life. I guess what I am trying to say is don't live in the here and now all the time. You have to look into the future, and see what kind of life you want for you and your family. I know it can be easy to get caught up in what is happening today, but if you put it in perspective, what is bothering you now probably isn't even that important. It's hard to not be tunnel visioned, it happens to all of us. We just need to focus on looking at the big picture, and to not make decisions that can truly affect what happens later on. You go to a great school, and we are all going to have successful careers at whatever we decide to do. Just keep pushing, because the finish line is already in sight.

1 comment:

  1. Aaron, I think it is very good that you are true to yourself about your situation. It's true that sometimes we get tired of school but it is also true (and even truer) that we need to get our act together and try our best to always persevere. Just keep thinking of how all your effort is going to pay off in the future.
