Thursday, October 18, 2012

Office Hours

I saw no point in going to office hours, nor did I have the energy to go. I went once and it was terrible. There were at least twenty other individuals waiting to get the professor's attention, and I was getting extremely irritated. Most seemed like they were just trying to impress the professor instead of actually coming to learn something, but this is beside the point. Sometimes I feel that there is no point in going because I think I will do bad on a test anyways, and I hate trying my hardest and still not do well. I cannot think like this. Reading Dweck made me realize I have more of a fixed mindset when it comes to these things. This is no conducive to academic improvement; I need to do everything in my power to do well instead of counting myself out. But this is not the real reason I don't go to office hours. I usually just don't have the time.

Athletics on the college level is a JOB. You have a schedule and you are expected to stick to that schedule. They tell us when to wake up, when we can go to class, and many more things. We don't control ourselves, the coaches pretty much control us. Most semesters I am not able to go to office hours because they will be during times I have track practice, or when Im in another class. We have a certain few times we have to take classes because of afternoon practice. There is just not enough time in the day. Other times I will actually be able to go to office hours but I just wont feel like it. I will just be too tired, and it will be a waste if I cant stay alert and ask intelligent questions about the work. It is already hard enough to do homework after practice, why would I want to go to office hours on top of that?

I am going to try to do better though. I'm going to attempt to go to office hours when I can, regardless of how I feel. My grades are too important to not try. The least I can do is go see my TA's when I have a paper due. My friends told me that they can be extremely helpful and set you up to receive an A on the assignment. Another person told me that one professor pretty much told them what will be on the test and what to study when they went to their office hours. There are obviously some plus sides to going to office hours, and if the teachers are helping you in these ways then I need to start going as well. I wont say I will go once a week, but I will at least try to go to their hours when papers and exams are coming up. Im doing myself a disservice by not going, why not do something that will help me get a better grade?

1 comment:

  1. Aaron, I think it's really good that you realized what your mindset is and are willing to change it to improve. I also think this will motivate you to improve. Office hours can be a bit tedious when it comes to big lectures because a lot of people go just so the professor know they exist and they don;t have questions. However, I think it is in our best interest to put up with that and power through. Finally, it seems like you have a pretty tight schedule and I can;t imagine how tired you might feel sometimes but maybe email your professors to see if they are available when you are so you can meet them.
