Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The effects of Hurricane Sandy around this area were minimal, but were great towards my academic success. Everyone was waiting around all day on Sunday waiting to hear whether school would be cancelled or not. We all wanted to know whether or not we had to do or homework or if we could take a break for once. When the email finally came out it was a relief. Finally, a day off of school! It felt like high school all over again when we would get off for snow. Needless to say, I did not do my work Sunday night because I had all of Monday to do it. Monday came, I went to practice, came home and ended up playing video games with my friends for the rest on the night. Luckily, we got Tuesday off as well for precautionary reason so I still had time to do my homework. Tuesday came around and the same thing happened. Practice, came home, and played video games all day. I did no homework for two days. I convinced myself that it was okay because I had no major assignments or tests coming up in the next week so I can slack off. I don't know what got into me this weekend. I guess it just felt like a big fall break to me, and I can finally do what I wanted. I should've done some work because now I will be behind going into next week, and will be struggling to catch up. I was so lazy this weekend it was terrible. I even debated not going to my Wednesday classes/ just not going to class for the rest of the week just because I wanted a full week off, but this was a terrible idea. If I were to have done this I would've felt terrible. I'd be wasting my time, and my parents money by doing this. And I would've done nothing all week, furthering my hole. I feel like my academic success project just took a huge hold this weekend, but now I am getting back on track. I'm buckling down again, making sure I get my work done and I am going to my classes because this was unacceptable. I am making a lot of progress this semester with the help of this class, and I need to continue to make progress in order to cement these new strategies into my routine.


  1. Something similar happened to me. I actually took the tie to sit down and pretend like I was working but I didn't really do much. I had a test on Wednesday for which I could have studied all weekend and I didn't until Tuesday. Though I think I did well on the test, this episode made me realize that I really need to start taking everything more seriously and a day off does not mean I can slack off. I think it is good that we realize this because it means we recognize we made a mistake and we are willing to improve, characteristic of the growth mindset.

  2. I know how that can be when you have a whole lot of extra free time. You don't know what to do with yourself. I had a similar time over the "break". I did some work, but not as much as I should have done. I'm glad you didn't decide to take the whole week off because that could have made matters much worse. I think this class has helped us make better decisions overall.

  3. I also struggle a good bit in situations like these. Before the "vacation" days were announced for Monday and Tuesday of last week, I had been planning to work steadily all day Sunday in order to complete all the necessary assignments. Once word got out, however, I found that my scholastic motivation seriously dwindled. I think I have a propensity to choose activities that most quickly gratify my desires for rest and relaxation, especially over alternatives that require substantial brain power.
