Thursday, November 8, 2012

Get Enough Rest

Rest is such an essential part of life. No matter what anyone says, you cannot function without getting an adequate amount of rest. The doctor prescribes 7-8 hours of sleep a night to be at your top, and usually I get about 3-4. This is partly my fault, for I dont do my homework until late at night. I feel like I get my work done better/faster when 11:00 hits. I will then be up until at least 2, and then I'll have to wake up for practice at 6:30 in the morning. Needless to say, I am exhausted that next day, struggling to stay awake in all my classes. Other times I'll just be up for no reason. I'll have everything done but I'll be up just because. Maybe its because I don't ever really get time to see and talk to my friends so I'll stay up late with them even though I should be in bed. This isn't a good strategy if I want to be alert in class and ready for practice the next day. I will take naps during the day when I have a chance to, but I end up sleeping for 2-3 hours, and that will make me go to bed even later at night since I wont be tired. The most effective naps are supposed to be between 20-60 minutes, and anything else isn't truly beneficial. A 2-3 hour nap is pretty much a mini sleep and this just messes up your natural sleep cycle.I need to change my habits indefinitely.

This week I have made it a priority to go to bed earlier. I've forced myself to stop what I'm doing and get in the bed before or by 1. Even though that will be 5 hours of sleep tops, it is at least a start. At the beginning of the week I was going to sleep at 1 and that extra hour of sleep made a noticeable difference. Throughout the week I've been getting in the bed earlier and when I wake up in the morning I feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. Sleep is so important for it helps with the functions of many things in your everyday life. This is why I don't understand how one can pull all nighters. In my opinion, it doesnt work. You won't be able to retain all the information you tried to cram earlier that night. In the end, go to bed earlier. It will make your day go by so much better.

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