Thursday, November 15, 2012

Be Smart

Tonight is going to be an exciting night. Everyone that went to the concert at JPJ last night will still be on a mini high for this football game tonight against UNC. That being said, drinking will occur, especially amongst the fourth years. This is the time of year they do the "Fourth Year Fifth." That means they drink a fifth of alcohol before the game, and this is extremely dangerous. To consume that much alcohol can be harmful to not just yourself, but to others around you as well. Fights occur and other crazy things may happen due to people blacking out. It is a scary time around the university for individuals will sometimes get alcohol poisoning and end up in the hospital, while others may pass out by themselves and nobody may be around to help them. It is or almost as bad as Foxfields in the spring. That being said, please be careful. I am going to the game tonight and I do not want to see anyone I know drunk to the point where they cannot function. Or anybody else actually. Even though this blog post is very short, I feel like the subject matter on hand was more worth it than the length of it. Please do not participate in the fourth year fifth tonight, and if you do, I pray that you be safe and make good decisions tonight.


  1. I think the big problem is not that people drink a lot but the fact that these are such strong traditions. They encourage binge drinking and cause a lot of people to end up with alcohol poising because of excessive drinking. However, I think it is a cool tradition not in the sense of what it entails but in its meaning, it bring UVa students together and I think it build a strong bond that we carry with ourselves wherever we go after college.

  2. You are right to worry about the safety of your peers. I had heard about the tradition, and never stopped to think about the dangerous consequences that it may bring. Hopefully no one got seriously hurt.
